24 Hr Tow Service - 602-513-1272
Q: Where Do I Get My Claim Number?
A: Claim numbers are issued by your insurance company at the time you report your accident. Just jot it down and bring it in with you when you come in to begin the repair process, we will do the rest. Q: Who Do I Pay My Deductible Too?
A: If your deductible is not waived, it will be your responsibility to pay us when you pick up your vehicle.If you aren't sure about your deductible, you can call your agent and he can tell you whether your insurance company has waived your deductible or whether it will be your responsibility. Q: Do I Need More Than One Estimate?
A: No. One estimate is all you need. There are no laws stating you need to get multiple estimates. Q: Do I Have To Pay My Deductible?
A: The amount of deductible that you will be responsible for is determined by your insurance policy. If you carry broad collision, and you were not at fault, your insurance company most likely will waive your deductible. Insurance companies determine fault by your account of the accident when you make the claim, and by reviewing the accident report filed with the police department. If you aren't sure about your deductible, you can call your agent and he can tell you whether your insurance company has waived your deductible or whether you will be responsible to pay this when you pick up your vehicle. Q: What Are Betterment Charges?
A: Parts that wear out and need replacement with time and use (i.e., tires, batteries, and suspension parts) are commonly subject to betterment charges when they are replaced during the repair process. These betterment charges are determined by your insurance company and are pro-rated based on actual miles on your vehicle. |
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